Gestalt Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples
Gestaltpraxis Lüneburg


Dr. Leena Petersen, Gestalt Therapist DVG, EAGT

Grapengießerstraß 15 (entrance on Kuhstrasse)

in 21335 Lüneburg (area of Hamburg public transport)


Phone: 04131-4082318

Mobile: 0177-4551407




Gestalt Psychotherapy, Supervision and Dialogical Trauma Therapy in Lüneburg










I am looking forward to meeting you for an intitial conversation.

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Gestalt Psychotherapy & Counselling

in Lüneburg


Grapengießerstr. 15

(Entrance: Kuhstraße)

21335 Lüneburg


Public Transport from Hamburg  (HVV)

 Local Transport